Mr & Mrs Brunskill, South East

Case Study

The Challenge:
Mr & Mrs Brunskill wanted to improve an old driveway, enhance the value of their home and extend the drive to create two parking spaces. We discussed with them a number of options and prices and they chose a Marshalls paver – the 10-year guarantee was seen as a benefit as they could use this when they come to sell the house.

The old block driveway was then dug up and the garden was cleared.

The Results:
The ground was prepared and the new blocks laid, because of the slope we installed a channel drain along the front edge of the new drive to help with the drainage.

Mr and Mrs Brunskill were so pleased with the results that they decided to extend the block paving down the side of the house replacing some old flags.

The installation was complete within one week of us removing the existing damaged driveway.

Mr Brunskill commented: “The colour and choice of the paver has really set the house off.”